Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday (Week 1)

Congratulations, you made it through week 1 and week 1 is a bitch!  You're sore, tired, full of doubt, and wondering if this is all worth it.  You are also better than you were last week, which is the goal.  Just keep getting better, better every day.  Last week you completed 126 squats and 52 push ups.  I bet that not only have you never, ever, done that before but you didn't even think you were capable of doing that.  And now? Now you can no longer say that.  I put a challenge in front of you and you kicked that challenge in the fucking teeth.  So enjoy your weigh-in tonight and remember to celebrate, even if the scale doesn't give you the number you're looking for.  You put the work in, you're building the foundation, and the results will come.  Trust the process and yourself.  You did it, you got this, and I'm proud of you for completing this week.

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